Energy Systems

Energy Systems
We develop hybrid technologies and solutions integrating renewable energy generation at different scales. Among them, we develop solutions to support management of District Heating and Cooling (DHC) networks, for improved operation of the different generation, distribution and end-use components, including the exploitation of waste energy recovery potential in industrial processes.
Our solutions optimize communications for a secure and efficient operation of renewable power generation and industrial plants, particularly addressing the characterization of failures within their electrical networks.
Finally, we work on solutions for the integration of hydrogen as a key vector in the transition towards the decarbonisation of the global energy model.
Research lines
- Research in hybrid strategies of renewable systems.
- Development of advance technologies of production, storage and distribution of H2.
- Research at the application of fuel batteries in residential microgeneration.
- Development of advance strategies of hybrid generation systems and management of heat grids of low temperature.
- Development of recovery and valorization of residual heat strategies in industrial processes.
- Development of industrial digital twin and energy optimization of industrial processes.
Networks and Platforms
- ECTP: European Construction Technology Platform.
- EFFRA: European Factories of the Future Research Association.
- ISES: International Solar Energy Society.
- PTE-ee: Spanish Technological Platform for Energy Efficiency.
- RHC-ETIP: European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling.
- Raquel M. López Fernández, Víctor Iván Serna González, Juan Jesús Samaniego Muñoz & Luis ángel Bujedo Nieto (2023). Primer inventario europeo de potencial de recuperación de energía Mini-hidráulica en la industria del agua. LIFE NEXUS.
- Pedro J. Martínez, Victor M. Soto , Luis A. Bujedo & Juan Rodriguez (2020). Design of a 35 kW Solar Cooling Demonstration Facility for a Hotel in Spain. Applied Sciences, 10(2) 496.
- Pedro J. Martínez, Victor M. Soto , Juan Rodriguez & Luis A. Bujedo (2019) Analysis of a DOAS operation in different Spanish climates using an experimentally validated TRNSYS model. International Journal of Ventilation, 19(2) 97-111
- Martínez, J. C., Martinez, P. J., & Bujedo, L. A. (2016). Development and experimental validation of a simulation model to reproduce the performance of a 17.6 kW LiBr–water absorption chiller. Renewable energy, 86, 473-482.
- Macía, A., Bujedo, L. A., Magraner, T., & Chamorro, C. R. (2013). Influence parameters on the performance of an experimental solar-assisted ground-coupled absorption heat pump in cooling operation. Energy and Buildings, 66, 282-288.
- Bujedo, L. A., Rodríguez, J., & Martínez, P. J. (2011). Experimental results of different control strategies in a solar air-conditioning system at part load. Solar energy, 85(7), 1302-1315.
- Andrés-Chicote, M., Tejero-González, A., Velasco-Gómez, E., & Rey-Martínez, F. J. (2012). Experimental study on the cooling capacity of a radiant cooled ceiling system. Energy and Buildings, 54, 207-214.
- Soutullo, S., Bujedo, L. A., Samaniego, J., Borge, D., Ferrer, J. A., Carazo, R., & Heras, M. R. (2016). Energy performance assessment of a polygeneration plant in different weather conditions through simulation tools. Energy and Buildings, 124, 7-18.
Reference clients:

Ali Vasallo Belver
Head of Energy Division

Luis Ángel Bujedo
Head of Energy Systems Area
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