Development of Geographic Information Systems


Development of customized Geographic Information Systems for public and private institutions that let them manage the geospatial information and the data bases in accessible visual environments. The works are done and delivered in open GIS like QGIS or commercial like ArcGIS. There can be additional services like the elaboration of automated modules for processing and integration of geographic information, topologic correction of geometries and development of web interfaces for information viewing.


Our service:

  • Compilation of information in public data sources.
  • Generation of automated modules for processing and integration of geographic information like:
    • Georeferencing of alphanumeric information.
    • Topologic correction and geometry analysis.
    • Integration of data sources.
  • Generation of the graphic output in the proper format.
  • Optionally, development of an interface intuitive and user-friendly for the visualization of data.


Our value:

  • We have previous experience derived from the work in many R&D projects where dynamic maps have been developed for the visualization of GIS results from the project.

Projects of reference:

  • ePARCERO, CCliMAP, ENERGIS (R&D projects where GIS developments have been done for their integration into dynamic maps).
  • Clients: Syltec, Voxel 3D, G33, GEOCyL & Urbyplan.
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