
RURITAGE project General Assembly

The ‘General Assembly of the RURITAGE project’ will take place on May 27 and 28 online.

Rural areas tell us the story of a collaboration of thousands of years between nature and human society. These places represent unique examples of cultural and natural heritage, which need not only to be safeguarded but also recognized as communities of sustainable development. The RURITAGE project works to convert rural areas into laboratories to demonstrate natural and cultural heritage as an engine for regeneration. This is a four-year EU-funded research project, launched in June 2018, which aims to sustainably improve local heritage for regional and community development. The intention is to regenerate rural areas with the help of the Systemic Innovation Areas (SIA) framework that identifies a unique heritage potential within rural communities. The recognized AIS are Pilgrimage, Resilience, Sustainable local food production, Integrated landscape management, Migration and Art and festivals.


May 27 2020


All Day



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