[CAPRI] Asphalt Online Webinar
The CAPRI project aims to develop, test and experiment an innovative cognitive automation platform (CAP) to achieve the digital transformation of the process industry enabled by cognitive solutions that provide operational flexibility to existing process industries, performance improvement through different KPIs and quality control status of their products and intermediate flows.
The next 20th october CAPRI organize its first webinar about the project.
Agenda of the event
11:00 Welcome speech and presentation of the CAPRI project; Cristina Vega (Project coordinator, CARTIF)
11:10 The asphalt manufacturing process; Rafael Martinez (EIFFAGE Infraestructures)
11:20 Determination of RAP bitumen content in real-time; Ana Margarida (AIMEN)
11:30 Filler aspiration sensing under harsh conditions; Anibal Reñones (CARTIF)
11:40 Advanced control of Drying Drum; Daniel Gomez (CARTIF)
11:50 Q&A
Organize: CAPRI