Climate Neutral Cities by 2030: Mission Impossible?

Achieving climate neutrality rapidly is one of the key missions of the 21st century to ensure a liveable
planet. It requires fundamental changes within and across multiple action domains (energy, transport,
food, etc.) and sectors (public, private, civil society). Cities play a key role in achieving climate
neutrality due to both the accumulation and combination of mitigation challenges and the innovative
potential and transformative power attributed to cities.

In this session we will focus on the transformative capacities that cities need to transform multiple urban systems toward climate neutrality and will identify pathways to increase this capacities in different local, regional and national contexts.

Our partner Rubén García, from the energy division, will participate in one of the round tables, where he will give his views on climate neutrality in cities.


10:30 Introduction in the topic and session (Markus Egermann)

10:35 Self-Introduction of all panellists (all panellists – one minute maximum each)

10:40 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities – an introduction (Maria Yeroyanni)

10:50 First discussion round: How to integrate all policy domains (energy, transport,
food, etc.) and all actors (public, private, civic) into the mission implementation?

11:20 Second discussion round: How to coordinate actions vertically (EU, National,
Regional, Local)

11:40 Participants questions from the chat (Marina Novikova)

12:00 Closure


May 06 2022


10:30 am - 12:00 am