Heat Academy – Beautiful Heat

Heat Networks offer numerous advantages and opportunities. They are an efficient, reliable and proven solution for icnreasing energy security while reducing the carbon footprint of heat. They are convenient and affordable for customers, yet profitable for owners. They enable commuities to generate local jobs, increase social welfare, and bolster resilience in turbulent times. Yet, for all the benefits there is one catch. Heat Networks are hideen underground. The question is – How do we bring out the inner beauty of what can´t be seen?

From the Heat Academy Internatinal we have been invited to participate on the webinar “Beautiful Heat” where our partners Andrea Gabaldon and Carolina Pastor from de Energy division will take part on the session called “Enhacing the uptake of District Heating and Cooling networks by appealing to our senses” and also they will talk about the NEB (New European Bauhaus) concept.

This webinar will be held on 4th October in an online session.


Organize: Heat Academy International, VITO, IVL y CARTIF

More info: NEB Workshop


Oct 04 2022


10:00 am - 11:30 pm