[iAMP-Hydro] Artificial Intelligence for Flow Forecasting. Hydropower
Latest results for Hydropower Digitalisation in Europe
The iAMP-Hydro project is organising its second online webinar on 4 December.
It will be about the use of artificial intelligence for the management of reservoirs and hydroelectric power generation where our colleagues Raquel López, Carlos de la Cruz and Vincenzo Ezio Santovito, from the Energy division, will present the results obtained in two reservoirs located in Granada, object of study of the project.
09:15 -09:30 Reception
09:30 –10:00 Welcome and introduction
Aonghus McNabola, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland
Status quo of digitalisation of hydropower plants
Emanuele Quaranta, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
10:00 –10:30 Development of the iAMP-Hydro Flow and available power forecasting model
Raquel López, CARTIF Technology Centre, Spain
Carlos de la Cruz, CARTIF Technology Centre, Spain
Vincenzo Ezio Santovito, CARTIF Technology Centre, Spain
Bogdan Popa, POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
10:30 –11:00 Breakout sessions in world-café format por participants
Aonghus McNabola, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland
Organize: iAMP-Hydro