[Making City] Final event

“Power up your city

After 6 years of work, the Making City project, which aims to reduce carbon emissions in cities to fight climate change, is coming to an end. This final event where all project partners will meet to share the results achieved, analyse the barriers encountered throughout the project and look for points of improvement will take place in Groningen.

On the first day, 12 June, a stakeholder workshop will be held together with other sister projects. On the second and last day, 13 June, an innovation camp will take place focusing on the positive energy districts implemented in Groningen throughout the project.

Our colleagues Cecilia Sanz and Ana Belén Gómez, from the Energy division, will be present representing CARTIF as a partner of the project.

Free registration

More information: Making city ‘Power up city’.


Jun 12 - 13 2024