RMIT Global Webinar-“Nature based solutions for water in cities”
Global webinar with experts from Europe and Australia addressing how cities are adopting nature-based solutions for water
Increasing urbanisation and climate change pose new challenges to urban water management, requiring urgent attention in Europe and worldwide.
Solutions that are inspired and supported by nature, or nature-based solutions (NBS), are beginning to be seen as an alternative to traditional urban water treatments as they are more sustainable and less costly to establish and maintain.
NBS for water can enhance water availability, improve water quality, and reduce risks associated with water-related disasters and climate change, while contributing to the achievement of many of the UN´s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
RMIT´s global webinar will address how cities are increasingly adopting nature-based solutions for water, exploring its potential to enhance water security and ecological quality and to serve as a complement or alternative to traditional urban water treatments.
Representatives from the public and private sector will talk about Europe and Australia-led research projects applying NBS for water best practice in cities. One of the speakers of the webinar is our colleague Raúl Sánchez, Head of Natural Resources and Climate Area of CARTIF, he will be talking about URBAN GreenUP project.
Speakers of the webinar
Professor Jega Jegatheesan; Director of WETT Centre and Professor of Environmental Engineering at RMIT University.
Raúl Sánchez Francés; Head of Natural Resources and Climate Area of CARTIF.
María Guerrero Hidalga; Project Manager of Environmental Economics CETAQUA.
Vicki Barmby; Climate Adapted and Water Sensitive City Manager.
Ranga Fernando; Distribution Transformation Manager at Yarra Valley Water.
Dr. Marta Fernandez; Executive Director RMIT Europe.
Inscriptions to RMIT global webinar
Organize: RMIT Europe
More information: RMIT Global webinar