RURITAGE Webinar- Local Food Production. A driver for Rural Regeneration
“Learn how RURITAGE is using local food production to enhance and regnerate rural areas”
Food and gastronomy embody agricultural practices, landscape, local history and traditions, symbolizing the cultural heritage of a territory and are becoming ever more relevant in improving the economic and environmental sustainability of both tourism and agriculture. Food serves as a strong connection between nature and human society bringing together land, heritage and the people. It is a diverse and dynamic channel for sharing stories, forming relationships and building communities. Emphasizing a landscape with edible experiences creates an authentic “taste of place”.
In the context of RURITAGE, several partners have been developing their local food potential and through it, regenerating their rural areas.
–Experience in sustainable coffee production – Federación Colombiana de Municipios
–Experience in collaborating with researchers, smaller business and stakeholders within the agri-food sector – DARE (Distretto Tecnologico Agroalimentare)
–Experience in supporting and enhancing local food production through development of products and branding gained while participating in RURITAGE – Magma Geopark
Organize: RURITAGE Project
More information: www.ruritage.eu