Second INBEC Workshop about innovative solutions at bioeconomy
INBEC project organise a new workshop about innovative solutions applied to bioeconomy
During the journey, representatives of different companies of the agrifood sector will review several relevant themes around de development of a sustainable economy, through the business innovation and cooperation. On one side, they will talk about innovative solutions for obtaining biofertilizers as well as about innovative technologies in small ruminants within the framework of this sector.
Programme of the workshop
10.15 Attendees reception
10.30 INBEC project presentation “Circular bioeconomy. Impulse and development of a sustainable economy through business innovation and cooperation”. PEDRO ACEBES – CARTIF
11.00 “Innovative technologies for obtaining biofertilizers”. ANA ROBLES – Universidad de Gante
11.30 “Innovative technological solutions in obtaining solid biofuels”. LUIS MORETÓN – Gerente COINGES, S.L
12.00 “Innovative solutions for obtaining biofertilizers”. SOFÍA GRAU GONZÁLEZ – Project Manager in Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo (DAM)
12.30 “Innovative technologies in small rumiants applied to bioeconomy”. ALBERTO GARCÍA – General Director in Desarrollo Ovino AGM
13.00 DEBATE TABLE. Moderate by GREGORIO ANTOLÍN – Director of the division of Agrifood and Processes in CARTIF. (The speakers will answer to all the questions made by the attendees)
14.15 Workshop Closure
Organize: Technological Centre CARTIF
More info: Technological Centre CARTIF