Development of Plans of Action for the Climate and Energy Sustainable (PACES)


The plan includes an Inventory of Reference Emissions in order to follow up the mitigation actions and one Evaluation of Risks and Climate Vulnerabilities that will be part of the adaptation strategy to the climate change.
The service consists of the development of the action plan for energy and climate in municipalities, that would make possible to comply with at least the minimum compromises of reduction for greenhouse gases, and the adoption of mutual approach to impulse the mitigation and adaptation to the climate change.


Our service:

  • Integrated strategy analysis.
  • Development of the base Inventory of emissions.
  • Development of the acting lines for the Action Plan.
  • Definition and prioritisation for the set of actions.
  • Support for the processing of the aforementioned through the Covenant of Mayors and their analyses by the EC JRC.


Our value:

  • Wide previous experience in the development of “Smart City” strategies with many different European cities, as well as availability of several tools for the analysis of different energy scenarios and climate effects and emissions of greenhouse gases.
  • Easiness to develop tools adapted to make decisions (AHP methods, TOPSIS, etc.)


Projects of reference:

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