Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)


The main objective of the Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality team is to take detailed environmental pictures of products, processes and services with a life cycle perspective and using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology.

CARTIF helps companies to complete the Sustainable Development’s puzzle assisting them in ensuring and making public their commitment to the environment and the society. This commitment can be highlighted by carrying out an LCA and sharing the results using a wide array of tools, such as environmental footprints or different Ecolabels.

Our services:

  • Shaping the environmental profile of products, processes or services following the LCA methodology (ISO 14040 & 14044 standards).
  • Carbon Footprint assessments (ISO 14064 & 14067 standards).
  • Assessing the social impacts of products and services over the entire value chain.
  • Support your application for one of the current environmental labelling schemes, such as the EU Ecolabel or Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
  • Proposing ecodesign strategies (ISO 14006 standard).
  • Assessing the carbon neutral footprint.

Our value:

  • We help you to uncover the environmental performance of your products and processes and the drivers of the impacts, highlighting the hotspot stages, improving eco-efficiency and increasing competitive advantage.
  • Supporting effective and transparent communication actions to consumers and businesses avoiding greenwashing.
  • Promoting clever and transparent environmental communication, fostering the successful request of environmental labels, such as the Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
    • The foundation of any EPD is an LCA.
    • It is a type III environmental declaration that is compliant with the ISO 14025 standard based on Product Category Rules (PCRs) that provide the instructions for how the LCA should be conducted.

The EPD shall be independently verified and it can be used for internal and consumer communication since it contains transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products in a credible way.

Because this team has more than 15 years of experience working on different LCA studies at National and European level, CARTIF offers its support to manufacturers who want to create an EPD.

Projects of reference:



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