Smart Grids
Redes inteligentes

Smart Grids
The Smart Grid area works on research, development and transfer of optimal planning systems for the operation of electricity grids equipped with renewable generation, storage and controllable loads, as in the case of electric vehicle charging. The integration of thermal and electrical grids to optimise their joint management is another of the points on which it focuses.
It also works on the characterisation, prediction and management of demand flexibility in residential and industrial areas with the aim of providing auxiliary services to the distribution grid and participating in demand-side markets.
It also addresses the modelling of the distribution grid, the design of algorithms for its optimal operation, the modelling of the effect of electric vehicle charging, the detection of congestions and overvoltages, the use of flexibility to solve these types of problems and the detection of non-technical losses.
These activities are complemented by the development of algorithms for the prediction of energy demand, renewable energy generation and the resulting price in some electricity markets.
Research Lines
- Research in advance control algorithms for the optimal planification of hybrid energy grids (sector couplling), distributed and with storage.
- Research in control algoriths for the flexibility demand, demand response and its participation in markets.
- Research in algorithms for the observability and reconfiguration of the electric grid (resilience).
- Research in tools for the management of energy communities.
- Research in advance and intelligent strategies for the management, operation and maintenance of buildings based in AI/ML/DL for the generation of support decision making systems.
Networks and Platforms
Reference clients:

Ali Vasallo Belver
Head of Energy Division

Sergio Saludes Rodil
Head of Smart Grids Area
Related projects
The MUSE GRIDS project wants to contribute to the development of interconnected local energy network management systems to make better use of the synergies between these networks.
INTERPRETER will overcome these limitations by means of a modular grid management solution consisting of a set of 10 software applications for an optimal design, planning, operation and maintenance of the electricity grid
The TALENT project aims to increase the flexibility of the electrical system by reducing the cost associated with the integration of batteries in the electrical network.
The SocialRES project seeks to increase scientific knowledge about the non-technological aspects that prevent the adoption of social energy alternatives such as cooperatives, aggregators or crowdfunding platforms.
The objective of the Optigrid project is the research and development of concepts and services that allow greater flexibility in electricity generation and demand.
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HPC Ongrid project collaborates with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) in the develop and programming of different components of a hybrid generation plant controller.