CARTIF Projects DIAMETER Demonstration of a sustainable circular-by-design manufacturing system based on additive manufacturing Description The DIAMETER project will contrast the physical-experimental results of 3D metal additive manufacturing processes with...


CARTIF PROJECTS INPERSO INdustralised and PErsonalised Renovation for Sustainable sOcieties Description INPERSO is a holistic project of deep building renovation (mainly residential and heritage) which addresses all its life cycle and combines industrialization with...


CARTIF Projects SESAMO Design and development of an on-board system for the guided movement assistance service for wardrobe doors. Description The objective of SESAMO is to conceive, design, configure, programme and adapt a system that facilitates and assists the user...

Portable 3DPrinter

cartif projects Portable 3DPrinter Portable 3D printer for industrialization/customization of construction Description This project looks for the innovation in construction processes promoting the industrialization and customization of construction that the 3d...

Metabuilding Labs

cartif projects Metabuilding Labs Zero energy, zero emission buildings Description To reach the COP21 goal of nearly-zero energy, zero emission buildings MBLabs Labs strives to unleash the innovation potential of the SMEs of the Construction sector by lowering the...