Advanced techniques for the prediction of the excavation front


PREFEX Project “Advanced techniques for the prediction of the excavation front”, co-financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, develop new tools to improve the safety conditions in underground works. In this type of projects is a need for tools and methodologies to interpret the behaviour of ground excavation front and predict which lies immediately to help the choice of the optimal solutions of support.

To make optimal terrain characterization, CARTIF collaborates with VIAS, OSSA and AIDO to develop computational models based in computational intelligence techniques. These models allow to characterize the excavation front and predict its future evolution; so that, the excavation teams could take the right decisions.


    • To develop computational models based on computational intelligence techniques that allow characterizing the excavation front and predicting its evolution, so that the excavation teams can make the appropriate decisions in the front of the tunnel.



    • Develop new frameworks to improve safety and process control in the characterization of a tunnel excavation front.
    • Maximize the collection of excavation front information, which will complement current data collection systems, and will optimize the front characterization process.
    • Interpreting the behaviour of the excavation front terrain and predicting the terrain just after.

    Expected results

    • Prediction techniques based on intelligence applied to civil engineering.
    • A proof of concept that makes it easier to compare the results obtained with the selected computational models to the results obtained conventionally with the geological analysis of the front.
    • M. Galende, M. Menéndez , M.J. Fuente, G.I. Sainz “Monitor-While-Drilling-based estimation of rock mass rating with computational intelligence: the case of tunnel excavation front” Automation in Construction, 93, 325-338, 2018.


    INNPACTO 2012

    Reference: IPT-2012-0106-380000

    Overall budget: € 1.186.974,13
    Contribution: € 1.077.708,65
    Duration: 17-Jul-2012 to 31-Dec-2015


    Marta Galende

    Division of Industrial and Digital Systems


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