
Latests news
Starts SMARTeeSTORY, the project that aims to turn historic buildings into climate-neutral landmarks
The SMARTeeSTORY consortium, composed of 13 partners from six different countries, held its kick-off meeting last week in Genoa, Italy, to discuss the main objectives and establish a roadmap for this initiative that will seek to transform historic buildings into...
CATCO2NVERS project holds its 5th follow-up meeting in an event at CARTIF
CATCO2NVERS, the project funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme based on technologies for the conversion of CO2 into high added value products, has held its 5th follow-up meeting in a face-to-face event at CARTIF's facilities...
The REHOUSE Project holds its second General Assembly to review the profess of the last few months
The REHOUSE project, led by CARTIF, held its second General Assembly on 10 and 11 May at the headquarters of the Institut National de l'Énergie Solaire (INES) in Le Bourget-du-Lac (France), organised by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission...
CARTIF led BuildON project kicks off to build ‘the next generation of smart buildings’
The BuildON project, whose main objective is to achieve smarter buildings to improve their energy performance, has held its kick-off meeting this week at CARTIF. During these days, the consortium from nine European countries has met at the centre's own facilities,...
The NATMed project, coordinated by CARTIF, aims to improve the water cycle in the Mediterranean region
The NATMed project has been launched at CARTIF to improve the water cycle in the Mediterranean region by tackling the scarcity and seasonality of water resources through Nature-based Solutions (NBS). The aim of this initiative, coordinated by the technology centre, is...
The HOUSEFUL project closes its five-year trajectory with a webinar next 26th April
The HOUSEFUL project is coming to an end and to celebrate it, the consortium has organised an online session open to the public on Wednesday 26 April. After five years of research and development in circular economy applied to the housing sector, this meeting will...
FUSILLI Project will organize in June the next meeting of EU FOOD 2030 cluster
FUSILLI, one of the five-member projects of EU FOOD 2030, will be in charge of organizing the next quarterly meeting of the cluster which will take place in June 2023. These sessions, framed within the joint initiatives between projects, share the progress of each of...
The TALENT project, coordinated by CARTIF, has held the sixth monitoring meeting in Zaragoza, in CIRCE’s facilities
The TALENT project aims to promote the grid integration of electrical storage through batteries, reducing costs and improving efficiency, encouraging grid flexibility. The team in this initiative, funded by the EU H2020 Programme, gather six companies, three...
NEUTRALPATH project tries to prove the viability of deployment Positive and Clean Energy Districts (PCED) in cities to attained climate-neutrality
CARTIF hosts the kick-off meeting of the NEUTRALPATH project, a pioneer European initiative to prove the deployment of Positive and Clean Energy Districts (PCED) in cities is fundamental to way towards to the climate-neutrality in time horizon 2030. The proposal,...
CARTIF hosts these days CIRAWA project kick-off meeting to promote agro-ecology in West Africa
The CIRAWA project, coordinated by CARTIF, celebrates its kick-off meeting today at the centre’s facilities, located in the Boecillo Technology Park, (Valladolid,Spain), with the aim of laying the foundations that will guide the entire consortium towards the...
InvestCEC project launched to unlock financing for the circular economy
European consortium will develop a replicable model for implementing circular economy projects in cities and regions by improving collaboration between entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers 17 November, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee – The Horizon Europe project...
New European project REHOUSE to overcome the main barriers that slow down the EU renovation ratio
The 25 European partners of the new EU-funded project REHOUSE met on October 13th & 14th 2022 for the project’s kick-off event in Valladolid, Spain. The current EU building stock is responsible for over one third of the EU emissions. Over 75% of the EU building...
Knowledge for improving indoor AIR quality and HEALTH: K-HEALTHinAIR project kicked-off in CARTIF
16 partners from 8 European countries, led by CARTIF, have joined forces to collaborate and achieve the objectives of the K-HEALTHinAIR project. This consortium will provide a scientific-based assessment of the indoor air quality (IAQ) effects in health, based on the...
MOVE2CCAM project holds kick-off meeting to help deploy autonomous vehicle technology
The MOVE2CCAM project (MethOds and tools for comprehensive impact Assessment of the CCAM solutions for passengers and goods – CCAM stands for Connected, cooperative and automated mobility solutions) held its kick-off meeting in Stuttgart (Germany) on 13 – 14...
EU FOOD 2030 project family
The EU FOOD 2030 Project Family is a collaboration of five EU Horizon projects coordinating synergistic cross-project initiatives towards a sustainable transformation of the European food system aligned with European Commission’s FOOD 2030 and Farm to Fork Strategy....
Veolia, new member of the CARTIF Assembly
Veolia, a leading company in the optimised management of resources, joins the CARTIF Assembly to support the Centre’s activities and thus give continuity to ten years of collaboration in multiple research and technological development projects. This was started by the...
CARTIF participates in the H2MetAmo Project of the Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Complementary Plan, funded with 2.7 million euros
The Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, within the complementary plans 2021. Through which it develops its Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, has approved the research project, presented by the Junta de Castilla and León at the proposal of the...
REVaMP project holds second follow-up meeting on efficient use of metals
The REVaMP project held its second management meeting on 21-22 June at the National Nuclear Research Centre in Otwock (Poland). This was an opportunity for all staff to meet face-to-face and share challenges and experiences. The project consortium, made up of 16...
NEVERMORE project holds its meeting to lay the gourndwork for improved climate change analysis and assessment
The NEVERMORE project kicks off with a session in which the consortium partners met and laid the groundwork for improved climate change analysis and assessment.
Badajoz hosts the fourth monitoring meeting of the LIFE myBUILDINGisGREEN project
The Hispital-Vivo of Badajoz was the chosen venue of the fourth monitoring and coordination meeting of the LIFE myBUILDINGisGREEN project in a face-to-face sessions attended by partners from both Spain and Portugal. Pilar Muñoz, head of the ODS, Parthnerships and...
Valomask project receives the Sustainability and Environment award from Onda Cero Valladolid
Onda Cero Valladolid (Spain) held its first awards gala yesterday in a night where "the commitment, dedication and effort of Valladolid society over the last year" filled the Miguel Delibes Auditorium with a special light. Valomask project, coordinated by FCC Medio...
The European Commission and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation award funding for an €8.2 million to AeroSolfd project on cleaner urban air
In May 2022, the innovation AeroSolfd project started with a kick-off event in Ludwigsburg, Germany. The AeroSolfd consortium – led by MANN+HUMMEL – will deliver affordable, adaptable, and environmentally friendly retrofit solutions to reuce tailpipe and brake...
CARTIF recieves the Iberdrola Award for the Best University Research in the Innovators 2022 Awards for the sensors of the elderly project
Pablo Lago, editor for the Diario de Castilla y León, gave away yesterday to the thirteen winners of the Innovators 2022 Awards at the Business Solutions Centre in Arroyo de la Encomienda, including CARTIF and the and the University of Valladolid with the Iberdrola...
The CircThread project, led by CARTIF, is set to revolutionise the world of the circular economy and the management of household applicances
The CircThread project, led and coordinated by CARTIF, is one year old and to celebrate it has organised its first face-to-face General Assembly on 7 an 8 June at the Centre’s facilities in the Boecillo Techbology Park (Valladolid, Spain). A session in which the 31...
CARTIF hosts the Kick-Of-Meeting of the s-X-AIPI project to settle the pillars of work for the coming months of researches
The s-X-AIPI project, an Horizon Europe initiative led by CARTIF, has started this month and to celebrate it, the consortium has organized a face to face meeting in the facilities of CARTIF in Boecillo (Valladolid, Spain). During the working sessions, which took place...
The CO2SMOS project holds its regular M12 meeting and General Assembly in a face-to-face event in CARTIF
The CO2SMOS project, with the technical and financial coordination of CARTIF, is one year old and to commemorate it, all the partners of the consortium have gathered in person at the facilities of the technology centre in Boecillo (Valladolid, Spain) to hold their...
TREEADS Project – A Unifying Technological Ecosystem for Integrated Fire Management and Adaptive Forest Restoration in Changing Socio-Ecological Contexts
TREEADS, a large-scale EU Green Deal project, brings together a consortium of 46 partners from 13 European countries and Taiwan, in the fight against wildfires. TREEADS will increase the effectiveness of enhanced sustainable fire and forest management under...
The PROBONO project was born to turn buildings and neighbourhoods into examples of sustainability and energy efficiency
The PROBONO project borns to convert neighbourhoods and buildings into greener, more sustainable, energy-positive places with zero emissions.
Survey IN-PACT Project
Due to the importance of achieving a more sustainable food chain and achieving the transition towards a sustainable food system, IN-PACT project arises, within the framework of Green Deal and the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy. It is a collaborative project between JRC...
“Majors sobre rodas”, the new MAtchUP project initiative to promote healthy ageing in Valencia (Spain)
MAtchUP project launches the new initiative “Majors sobre rodes” with the aim of promoting healthy ageing among eithers.
RethinkAction kicks off its activities towards supporting climate adaptation and mitigation
The RethinkAction project, coordinated by CARTIF, has officially started the 1st of October 2021 as part of the Green Deal Research and Innovation Programme, contributing to making EU the first climate-neutral continent.
Leading city networks and research organisations team up to accelerate the transition to net zero emissions by 2030
Leading city networks and research organisations join NetZeroCities project to accelerate the transition to net-zero emissions by 2030.