Natural resources
environment and climate

Natural Resources and Climate
Natural Resources and Climate Area has as its main mission the research and development of processes and technologies that contribute to the sustainable management of Natural Resources and to the improvement and protection of the Environment, paying special attention to those aspects that help to alleviate climate change effects.
Researchers from this area contribute to the scientific understanding of the planet and the beings that inhabit it, studying the structure and functioning of nature and promoting sustainability in the use of its resources.
Research Lines
- Research into water purification solutions using soft technologies (water biofilters) and sustainable drainage systems.
- Research in techniques of water sustainable use and recovery processes.
- Research in techniques and technologies of renaturalization of industrial and household spaces (inside and outside).
- Development of natural solutions for the improvement of air quality (inside/outside).
- Research in forestal management through quantification of ecosystemic services of forest stands and their action facing climate change.
- Development of decontamination (mainly NOX removal) and potabilisation processes (trihalomethanes, radionucleides,etc.)
- Research in new systems and improvement of crops.
- Research in bioproducts (biofertilizers, biostimulants and biopesticides) with agrifood origen.
- Research in bio-phyto remediation of degraded soils through ecological restoration, metal recovery (bio-mining),etc.
- Research in soil restoration solutions, sustrates formulation, technosoils, amendments and composting processes.
Networks and Platforms
- AIF: Asociación Ibérica de la Fotocatálisis.
- EERA: European Energy Research Alliance.
- EIP-Raw Materials: EIP on Raw Materials. Commitments MetGrow & C&D-WRAM (Action Area I.4 & I.5 respectivamente).
- EIP-Water: EIP on Water Action Group on Water reuse and recycling (ID AG045).
- JPI CH: National Consultation Panel para la JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change.
- Hidalgo, D. (2019). Sistemas dinámicos de medición de emisiones: el proyecto LIFE GySTRA y la tecnología RSD. Revista Carreteras. 1, 1-8. ISSN: 0212-6389.
- M. Gómez, N. Martín, I. Rodriguez, F.J. Martínez, J.L. Casas, G. Rivas (2019). Proyecto LIFE ALCHEMIA: tratamientos sostenibles para eliminar la radioactividad natural del agua. RETEMA (Revista Tecnica del Medio Ambiente), 212, 112-116. ISSN:1130-9881.
- Rozanska M. K., Del Vecchio M., Sánchez R. (2018) Metodología para re-naturalización de las ciudades, España. CONAMA 2018. ISBN de las actas del congreso: 978-84-09-07670-3.
- R. Marrs, J. Rasal, R. Sánchez, L. Connor, S. Blackbird, R. Rose, Rewilding the uplands: the effects of removing sheep grazing on soils and plants. Aspects of Applied Biology 139, 2018. Ecosystem and Habitat Management: Research, Policy, Practice.
Reference clients:

Alberto Moral Quiza
Head of Agrifood & Processes Division

Raúl Sánchez Francés
Head of Natural Resources Area
Related projects
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Agrigenomics and next-generation sequencing technologies
Implement advanced solutions to solve various problems linked to the agro-forestry and food sectors in Castilla y León, such as soil degradation, low agricultural productivity or the incidence of pests and diseases
ECOFORES objective is the development of nerw bioproducts, agroecological processes and new solutions environmentally sustainable, through the application of subproducts conversion technologies.
AIR-COMPOST general objective is to reduce the odours and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) produced on the process of composting through the addition of microorganisms, additives and other compounds.
NATMed project will develop, implement and validate a joint of innovative nature based solutions (NbS) on existent water infrastructures for improving the management of the water cycle and provide Ecosistemic Services and environmental, social and economic benefits.
Sustainable process for the efficient recovery of metals from wasted electric vehicle batteries
Recovery of metal oxides present in the cathode of electric vehicle battery cells by means of hydrometallurgical and direct recycling processes.
Innovation in rapid methods for the detection of biomarkers of interest in agri-food, environmental health and biomedicine
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The Regions4Climate project aims to collaboratively develop and demosntrate a socially-just transititon to climate resilience. Based on cross-sectoral roadmaps developed together with regional stakeholders.
CIRAWA will boost the implementation of agro-ecology in West Africa, thus facilitating the transition to a more sustainable food system.