cartif projects
New equipment in advanced digital manufacturing
This proposal focuses on the Fab LAb (Fabrication Laboratory) concept, which is a digital fabrication workshop for personal use, i.e. a space for the production of physical objects on a personal or local scale that brings together machines controlled by computers. Its particularity lies in its size and its strong link with society rather than industry.
CARTIF has always had a close relationship with the University, and more specifically with the School of Industrial Engineering. The added value for the UVA Fab Lab of incorporating CARTIF as a fundamental pillar in its structure would mean that it would be able to establish itself as one of Castilla y León’s technological benchmarks in both research and development and innovation.
The creation of this Fab Lab aims to be a working resource, capable of connecting creators, companies and educators in the laboratory’s processes, through residency programmes, internships, collaborations and shared research, as well as offering its resources open to the public through open days and a membership programme which allows access to the use of the machinery for their own projects.
- Increase the technological capacities of CARTIF
- Strengthen the nowadays research lines
- Open new business lines
The acquisition of the proposed equipment is complemented by the machinery currently available at the UVA Fab Lab facilities. The aim is to have two sites, one located in the Science Park and oriented towards academic, teaching, training and prototype manufacturing aspects for students and researchers, and another located in the CARTIF Technology Centre where research and industrial developments oriented towards knowledge transfer to companies will be carried out, driving research and development projects in both national and European calls for proposals.
Expected results
- Additive Manufacturing: Expansion of the existing FDM technology to FDM printers with two extruders that allow the combination of materials.
- CNC Machining and CNC Cutting: Acquisition of an automatic machining control centre that allows working in three-dimensional space thanks to the four axes, with sufficient spindle power to work methacrylate, wood, aluminium or steel.
- 3D scanners: The acquisition of a laser is proposed to replace the one currently discontinued and unused in the Heritage area, and to enable the leap to high-level digitalisation.
File: 2021 CCTT 09
CARTIF total budget: 104,500.00 €
CARTIF Grant: 52,250.00€
Cofinanced by FEDER founds contributing to the OT1 objective “Promote the technological development, innovation and a quality research” from the FEDER Operative Programme of Castilla y León.
Luis Miguel González
Division of Industrial and Digital Systems
CCTT Infrastructures Projects:
Study of the use of alternative protein sources from agro-industrial by-products.
Increase the extractability of protein sources and other compounds of nutritional interest, naturally present in by-products generated in the transformation processes of the food industry, through the use of “green technologies” of pre-treatment such as extrusion
Incorporation of new equipment and processes to improve the advance digital manufacturing laboratory
Acquisition of advanced technological elements to enhance rapid prototyping services, as well as to support specific developments in the challenging processes of creating objects that are not available on the market or are costly to produce in limited quantities.
Agrigenomics and next-generation sequencing technologies
Implement advanced solutions to solve various problems linked to the agro-forestry and food sectors in Castilla y León, such as soil degradation, low agricultural productivity or the incidence of pests and diseases
Study of the mechanical behaviour of recycled composite from the aeronautical industry and wind turbine blades.
Increase knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of recycled materials from the aeronautical industry and wind turbine blades.
Efficient recovery of metals from spent EV batteries
The project focuses on the recovery of critical metals present in the cathode of spent electric vehicle battery cells, through a more environmentally sustainable process, for their future reintroduction into the value chain.
The general objective of the PROBIO project is to work on broadening the spectrum of substrates that can be treated in fermentation processes for the production of renewable gases (biohydrogen and biomethane) and biocompounds of interest (volatile fatty acids).
Contribution to the substitution of fossil fuels by biofuels to help reduce global warming.
CARTIF projects Contribution to the substitution of fossil fuels by biofuels to help reduce global warmingDescriptionBiofuels offer greater energy security, lower greenhouse gas and particulate matter emissions, rural development, better vehicle performance and a...
Renewable hydrogen and natural gas production and storage
The project focuses on the development of an integrated process for the production of green hydrogen and hydrogen carrier molecules (energy carriers) for use as renewable fuels to replace current fossil fuels.
Sustainable process for the efficient recovery of metals from wasted electric vehicle batteries
Recovery of metal oxides present in the cathode of electric vehicle battery cells by means of hydrometallurgical and direct recycling processes.
Innovation in rapid methods for the detection of biomarkers of interest in agri-food, environmental health and biomedicine
Las líneas de investigación de CARTIF en calidad de aire interior y mejora de la calidad alimentaria buscan ir un paso más allá en las capacidades analíticas y experiencia que se tienen actualmente para trabajar en aplicaciones dentro de los sectores de la salud ambiental, la agroalimentación y la biomedicina.
Sustainable Biofuel Generation and Purification Process
The project is focus on the valorisation of agro-industrial organic residues for the production of biomethane, through anaerobic digestion processes. Also, the use of technologies for the treatment of gaseous and liquid streams will be based on membrane contactors and reverse osmosis membranes, respectively. On the other hand, pretreatment of samples with microwaves will also be studied.
Development of research lines on air quality and agro-ecological processes.
The research lines of AIR QUALITY and AGRO-ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES seek to achieve sustainable solutions to alleviate environmental problems such as poor air quality, urban green regeneration, environmental well-being in cities, management and restoration of urban watersheds, sustainability in the use of resources and energy in cities, conservation of urban ecosystems…