Identification of cadastral parcels without current use


The ePARCERO project will develop an automated prototype that allows the identification of cadastral parcels without current use in demonstrators located in relevant areas of Castilla y León, taking into account the different conditions that may affect each parcel. Using a temporary work scale (5 years), the search is proposed for all the parcels that have remained unused, or with a barely profitable use, both in rural and urban land. The project will put the land in value characterizing it for new uses such as the deployment of renewable energies. To obtain the current use of the parcels, the existing information on  public data sources will be evaluated, always under a work environment based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS).


  • Identify unused parcels both in urban and rural lands.
  • Develop a catalogue of feasible uses by characterizing the parcels and the end users of the prototype tool.
  • Put in value unused land by assigning criteria based on available resources.
  • Develop a prototype for the visualization of parcels that allows an easy access to unused parcels by obtaining a unique identifier of the parcel. 


CARTIF will carry out the following actions:

  • Identification of data sources to collect the unused cadastral parcels. 
  • Collaboration in the design of the catalogue of future feasible uses. 
  • Calculation engine for the identification of parcels and the analysis of the factors and requirements for a future use. 
  • Development, deployment and validation of the visualization prototype. 

Expected Results

  • Catalogue of available plots both in urban a rural lands. 
  • Catalogue of feasible uses integrating available resources and conditioning factors that limit the future uses of the selected parcels. 
  • A calculation engine for the identification of the available parcels and land limitations.
  • A prototype to visualize the available parcels at local level.



CARTIF participation: 46,500 €
Duration: 02/2021 – 08/2022

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Iván Ramos

Energy Division


Energy Policy projects:



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