cartif projects


New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling fRamework towards a climatE neutral and resilient society.


NEVERMORE will support excellence in climate research overcoming the current approach in evaluating climate change impacts and risks across sectors and adaptation and mitigation policies and measures. To achieve its ambitious goals, the project will develop an integrated common assessment framework consistent across scales for modelling , simulating and evaluating impacts and risks of climate change, as well as policy measures. The NEVERMORE approach, will integrate information from Climate science, Earth Systems , social system and impacts ands risk modelling methods across different scales: from national, EU and global scales to local and regional scales via five relevant case studies in Europe. Integrated socio-economic and climate scenarios will be used to ensure consistency between scales. 


  • To foster practical usability of theoretical models in policy making and in the design of adaptation and mitigation strategies.
  • To better understand climate change impacts and feedbacks by exploiting and integrating climate information, improving the representation of climate and Earth system processes.
  • To enhance the understanding of the interaction, complementarities and trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation strategies.
  • To develop an integrated common assessment framework for the modelling, simulation and evaluation of climate change impacts; risks and vulnerabilities being demonstrated in five relevant case studies in Europe.
  • To develop an ICT toolkit for assessing and understanding climate change impacts and risks, as well as the effecys of mitigation and adaptation strategies, fostering climate action


  • Scientific and technical coordination ensuring the consistency of project results.
  • To develop an analysis of potential improvements to be integrated as new functionalities in the climate module of WILIAM IAM.
  • To coordinate the methodology for climate change assessment including impacts and risks assessment, as well as the methodology to model adaptation and mitigation policies at different scales.
  • Case study characterization supporting the Murcia case study in the multi-sectoral impact and risk assesment,
  • Design of the common ICT toolkit architecture and their associated data storage. Participation in the ICT toolfit development.

Expected Results

  • An improved climate module for WILIAM IAM.sks.
  • A methodology for climate change assessment including impacts and risks.
  • A methodology to model adaptation and mitigation policies at different scales.
  • A deep analysis of each case study with focus on the impacted sectors by the changes in the cliamte and past experiences in adaptation and mitigation.
  • A set of novel tools to evaluate adaptation and mitigation policies understanding climate change impacts and risks.

R&D Line

Research and develipment o Integrated evaluation models for the support in the definition of policies in matter of climate change and energy transition.

Horizon Europe

Nº 101056858

Total Budget: 6,687,425€

CARTIF Budget: 613,287.50€

CARTIF Grant: 613,287.50€

Duration: 01/06/2022  -31/05/2026


Iván Ramos

Energy Division


Natural Resources and Climate Projects:



CLIMRES aims to foster a ‘Leadership for Climate Resilient Buildings’, by addressing the identification and systematic categorisation of buildings’ vulnerabilities and estimating their impact in the buildings’ ecosystem considering the interlinkages within the urban context.

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The overall vision of INHERIT is to create a systematic methodology, accompanied by leading-edge Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and (big) data analytics, and associated social/behavioural practices, towards sustainable, inclusive and resource-efficient Cultural Heritage (CH) solutions.

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BUILDSPACE aims to couple terrestrial data from buildings with aerial imaging from drones equipped with thermal cameras and location annotated data from satellite services to deliver innovative services for the building and urban stakeholders and support informed decision making towards energy-efficient buildings and climate resilient cities.

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