CARTIF Projects


Socio-Bio-Cooperative robotics applied to active ageing


The objective is to develop a new generation of socio-bio-cooperative robotic devices based on haptic technology combined with the novel approach of socio-bio-cooperative control of robotic systems, which proposes to use the biophysical signals of the users to adapt their reaction to the state of the users. In the framework of this project it is also proposed to apply these socio-bio-cooperative devices in a geriatric environment to favour active ageing and increase the quality of life of the users.

This combination of technologies will take a leap on the robotic devices capacites in the interaction with users at a physical-emotional level reaching being natural and autonomous. This new generation of socio-bio-cooperative devices could acte physically with elderly people and adapt it to the physical-emotional needs of these people.This will mean that older people will be able to do physical exercise adapted on-line to their physical-emotional capacities,impacting in a positive way in ther health at general level, therefore in an improvement of the personal autonomy and a lower demand of socio-assitencial services of the Public health system.


  • Development of a robotic socio-bio-cooperative prototype with capacity to interact at physical and emotional elvel with elderlies.
  • Adaptation and interaction of the robotic prototype to the physical and emotional status of the users in a natural and autonomous way in real-time.
  • Demonstration of the prototype functioning in end users.


  • Definition of the requirements of the robotic socio-bio-cooperative devices.
  • Design of playful therapies of active aging.
  • Design and implementation of socio-bio-cooperative robotic devices.
  • Validation of the prototype of the socio-bio-cooperative device.

Expected results

  • Development of a functional prototype with liberty degree.
  • Implementation of therapies that improve users activity.
  • Configuration of adaptative therapies to the needs of users and physiotherapies
  • Tested and validated by end users.

MV Geriatría

Industrias Rios S.L

CARTIF Budget: 177,500€

Duration: 11/07/2022 – 31/07/2024


César Domínguez Vega

Industrial and Digital Systems Division


Industrial Solutions projects:



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NUMASTA allows the development of a new generation of FRP sandwich panels for its application in the wastewater treatment sector. The distinguishing characteristic is presented in its core, based on a polyurethane foam, manufactured using formulations designed “à la carte” through a manufacturing process in a single stage where the curing process of the leathers and the foaming of the core take place in a synchronous

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