CARTIF Projects


Capture and Reuse Of biogenic gases for Negative-emission-sustainable biofUelS


In the current context of environmental sustainability, the EU-funded CRONUS project will pave the way for bioenergy, which is key resource for the decarbonisation of the EU economy in accordance with European Green Deal goals. Specifically, the project will develop carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CUS) techniques in the biofuels production line.

A wide spectrum of biogenic gases CUS technologies (enzymatic capture of CO2, autotrophic algae cultivation, biological CO2 hydrogenation, syngas biomethanation, in situ biomethanation, biogenic carbon storage by biochar production and soil application) will be validated at lab-scale. The proposed technologies will be upscaled to functional prototypes that will operate in relevant environments of biofuel production plants. 


  • Detailed analysis and evaluation of inter and intraregional biogenic effluent gases with biofuels value chain.
  • Engagement of society in the co-design, co-development and co-implementation of carbon negative biofuels innovations.
  • Development of efficient, clean , sustainable, secure and competitive technological solutions for biogenic gases utilisation within the biofuels value chain.
  • Comprehensive identification and assessment of the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the new proposed solutions through a life-cycle assessment.
  • Definition of the guidelines for industrialisation and application of the biogenic gases CUS technologies.
  • To bridge scientists and policymakers.
  • To disseminate and communicate CRONUS objective and results.


  • Incroporating in the biofuels value chain carbon capture, utilization and storage CUS) techniques.
  • Validating a wide spectrum of biogenic gases CUS technologies in lab-scale:
    • Enzymatic capture of CO2
    • Autotrophic algae cultivation
    • Biological CO2 hydrogenation
    • Syngas biomethanation
    • In-situ biomethanation
    • Biogenic carbon storage by biochar production and soil application. 
  • Upscaling technologies to functional prototypes that will operate in relevant environments of biofuel production plants. 

Expected Results

  • To validate different biogenic gases CUS technologies in lab-scale.
  • To upscale biogenic gases CUS technologies to functional protoypes operating in relevant environment of biofuel production plants. 

R&D Line

  • Design and development of biological processes of organic waste treatment: anaerobic digestion system coupled with a microbial electrolysis cell (MEC)


Horizon Europe


Total Budget: 4,390,895€

CARTIF Budget: 471,875 €

CARTIF Funding: 471,875 €

Duration: 01/12/2022 – 31/08/2026


Miguel Ángel Sánchez Gatón

Division of Agrifood and Processes


Circular Economy projects:



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