Keeping the safety of the entire rail network
Keeping the safety of the entire rail network and, above all, critical elements such as tunnels, becomes a fundamental and priority objective for the Strategic Plan of Infrastructure and Transport (PEIT). For this, the potential causes of problems must be detected, usually cracks and fissures, and their growth must be controlled. Current evaluation systems are slow, subjective and unreliable.
In INFIT, automatic data capture systems have been developed to obtain an accurate and objective image of the tunnel surface. New tools have been developed that are capable of detecting, classifying and monitoring the cracks and fissures that may appear, as well as a system for the prevention of potential risks that may affect the integrity of tunnels, users and workers.
- The development of a new railway tunnel inspection system based on the integration of image acquisition devices and active lighting equipment capable of highlighting fissures or cracks.
- The development of detection algorithms to facilitate the location and measurement of size and orientation of cracks and fissures that may jeopardize the integrity of the tunnel.
- The implementation of monitoring tools that allow the evaluation of the growth of defects detected through analysis and comparison of successive periodic inspections.
- Analysis and specification of the technical requirements of the tools for inspection, detection and tracking of cracks and fissures.
- Development of a crack inspection prototype, designing its architecture, synchronizing the acquisition devices and manufacturing the platform.
- Technologies and methods of detection, measurement and tracking of fissures using image processing algorithms.
- Integration, prototype validation and demonstration of the complete system in real environments.
Expected results
- An inspection system of 100% of the surface of the tunnel through the use of linear cameras with a resolution per pixel between 1- 0.25 mm2.
- Crack detection algorithms for the location and determination of size and position of cracks and fissures.
- Tracking tool that automatically, accurately and objectively evaluates the growth of the cracks detected by algorithms for comparing successive inspections and automatically generates monitoring reports.
INFIT: IPT-2012-0980-370000
Presupuesto total: 620.006,75 €
Contribución 206.289,70 €
Duración: 24 meses: Octubre 2012 – Octubre 2014
Roberto Medina Aparicio
Divison of Industrial and Digital Systems
Cultural and natural heritage projects:
CARNIVAL aims to generate new scientific and technological knowledge to create added value for waste and by-products from the meat sector, particularly in the sheep and pig sectors.
Membrane Contactors Pilot Plant
Technological offer Membrane Contactors Pilot PlantDescription Capacity to treat up to 50 m3/h of gas flow. Componentes Clean stage: condensator and active carbon filters. 7 bars ATEX compressor Membrane contactors: 5 lineas x 2 contactor/line (each lina with capacity...
NetZeroCities (NZC) project’s main objective is to support cities selected by the European Commission to achieve climate neutrality by 2030, in line with the 100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission.
THUNDER project aims to overcome existing barriers hampering a wide adoption of DCs waste heat recovery strategies, providing an innovative, efficient and cost attractive Seasonal Thermal storage based on Thermochemical Materials
SCO2OP-TES focuses on the development of technologies for storing electricity in the form of heat, which is then converted back into electricity (P2H2P – power-to-heat-to-power).
HYDRA focuses on understanding and addressing the potential impact of widespread hydrogen use on climate, environment and society. The project assesses a scenario of high hydrogen penetration in the energy mix.
EMERGE aims to provide African policy makers, academics, investors and citizens with tools and knowledge to increase clean energy and sustainable resource use, reducing cultural and socio-economic gaps.
The European SIRCULAR project aims to transform the construction sector through decarbonisation strategies
The European consortium met on 5 and 6 June in Genoa (Italy) to celebrate the launch of the SIRCULAR project. This initiative, which will last three and a half years, will seek to turn the construction sector around and move it towards a more circular and sustainable...
The European CLIMRES project aims to lead the retrofitting of climate-resilient buildings
The CLIMRES project consortium held its kick-off meeting on 4 and 5 June in Athens (Greece). This project, led by SingularLogic, arise from the need to change the course of the European housing stock and retrofit buildings to achieve climate resilience. During its...
The PHENOLEXA Project closes its three years of research on the development of a cascade biorefinery of agricultural secondary flows
The PHENOLEXA consortium met in full on May 15 and 16 at the CARTIF technology centre facilities to hold the last meeting of the project and thus recapitulate the results achieved after three years of research and development. This initiative arose with the aim of...
The MOBILITIES for EU project holds its second General Assembly in Dresden (Germany) coinciding with the IEE 6G Summit and the Neutralpath project
The MOBILITIES project consortium met this week in Dresden, Germany, to hold its second General Assembly and review the team’s first steps since its launch earlier this year. One of the main topics of the meeting has been the study of the situation of the Leading and...
The NATMed project holds its third regular meeting in Seville to evaluate the development of the Spanish Case Study
The NATMed project consortium has met this week at the Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca, Agua y Desarrollo Rural de la Junta de Andalucía, in Sevilla, to assess the progress of the project and, in particular, of the Spanish Case Study and the status of the...
RURBANIVE will establish a novel rural/urban innovation framework, supported by technical and social innovations to enhance territorial governance and existing policy tools.
Support communities to proactively adapt to climate change through social transformation and behavioural change.
The InvestCEC Project hold its 3rd follow-up meeting at CARTIF to advance the development and implementation of a replicable model for the circular economy in the EU
The InvestCEC project consortium met on February 20 and 21 at the CARTIF Technology Centre to hold its third follow-up meeting. A meeting in which the partners have been able to analyse the latest profess made in the project over the last few months focused on the...
Stimulate and empower local communities and civil society in general, to support restoration and maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe, and thus to involve them more actively in environmental governance.
Study of the use of alternative protein sources from agro-industrial by-products.
Increase the extractability of protein sources and other compounds of nutritional interest, naturally present in by-products generated in the transformation processes of the food industry, through the use of “green technologies” of pre-treatment such as extrusion
Incorporation of new equipment and processes to improve the advance digital manufacturing laboratory
Acquisition of advanced technological elements to enhance rapid prototyping services, as well as to support specific developments in the challenging processes of creating objects that are not available on the market or are costly to produce in limited quantities.
Agrigenomics and next-generation sequencing technologies
Implement advanced solutions to solve various problems linked to the agro-forestry and food sectors in Castilla y León, such as soil degradation, low agricultural productivity or the incidence of pests and diseases
Study of the mechanical behaviour of recycled composite from the aeronautical industry and wind turbine blades.
Increase knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of recycled materials from the aeronautical industry and wind turbine blades.
Efficient recovery of metals from spent EV batteries
The project focuses on the recovery of critical metals present in the cathode of spent electric vehicle battery cells, through a more environmentally sustainable process, for their future reintroduction into the value chain.
The general objective of the PROBIO project is to work on broadening the spectrum of substrates that can be treated in fermentation processes for the production of renewable gases (biohydrogen and biomethane) and biocompounds of interest (volatile fatty acids).
CARTIF presents in Madrid the MOBILITIES for EU project, which will accompany the Spanish capital and Desden (Germany) in their transformation towards climate neutrality
The technology centre CARTIF presents this week in Madrid the project MOBILITIES for EU (New MOBility solutions for climate neutrality in EU cITIES) thath will help the capital of Spain and Dresden (Germany) in their transformation towards climate neutrality, focusing...
ARISE project kicks off at CARTIF, designed to stregthen European industry 5.0 through Human-Robot Interacion (HRI)
CARTIF technology centre has been the venue of the ARISE project kick-off meeting. Members of the organisation that make up the consortium, from different parts of Europe, met to establish the first steps of an initiative designed to strengthen European Industry...
iAMP-Hydro aims at improving the operation of existing hydropower plants (HPP) through the development of digital solutions which will be integrated into an intelligent Asset Management Platform (iAMP)
The K-HEALTHinAIR launches a public survey to study public awareness of indoor air quality
The K-HEALTHinAIR project, led by CARTIF, has published this week an open survey in order to find out the degree of perception and knowledge of this population about indoor air quality. Through this initiative, the aim is to assess the situation and raise awareness of...
The overall vision of INHERIT is to create a systematic methodology, accompanied by leading-edge Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and (big) data analytics, and associated social/behavioural practices, towards sustainable, inclusive and resource-efficient Cultural Heritage (CH) solutions.
The INHERIT Project starts to promote the sustainability in historical buildings through TICs and new technologies
The INHERIT project helds its kick-off meeting in Athens on 2 November. About 18 partners of the consortium had been meeting at the Singular Logic facilities, coordinating entity, with the objective of launching a new project, which will promote the sustainability of...
CARTIF Projects CLEANPORTSResearch of intelligent and sustainable nay solutions for the automation of logistics and advanced intermodal processes from por to last mile.DescriptionThe main objective of the project is to improve logistics processes for the complete...
The ARISE project envisions a near future which aligns with Industry 5.0, prioritising, resilient, sustainable and human-centric work environments. In such a future, companies recognise that investing in industrial human-robot interaction (HRI) is essential for achieving better short- and long-term goals, rather than a cost.
SGA1-NZC has as an objective give support to 100 cities selected to be intelligent and climate neutral by 2030.
ECOFORES objective is the development of nerw bioproducts, agroecological processes and new solutions environmentally sustainable, through the application of subproducts conversion technologies.
AIR-COMPOST general objective is to reduce the odours and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) produced on the process of composting through the addition of microorganisms, additives and other compounds.
D-HYFROFLEX seeks research into technological innovations in hydropower plants in search of improved efficiency and sustainability and hydropower competitiveness in modern electricity markets. The project will develop tools for the digital renovation of existing hydroelectric plants based on sensors, digital twins, artificial intelligence, hydrolyser modelling and image processing.
NATMed project will develop, implement and validate a joint of innovative nature based solutions (NbS) on existent water infrastructures for improving the management of the water cycle and provide Ecosistemic Services and environmental, social and economic benefits.
NEUTRALPATH project will apply its first Positive and Clean Energy Districts (PCED) in Zaragoza by the end of 2024
Zaragoza has been selected as part of the NetZeroCities initiative to be one of the first European urban core to achieve the climate-neutrality by 2030. Thanks to the NEUTRALPATH project, the first Clean and Positive Energy District (PCED) will be implemented in the...
ENPOWER will design, develop and demonstrate SSH-driven methodologies, interactive and closed-loop tools, and data-driven services for energy-activated citizens and energy-secure cross-sector communities towards a citizen-centric energy system.
Test bench for water-to-water heat pump
technological offer Test bench for water-to-water heat pumpDescriptionCARTIF has a test bench for water-to-water heat pumps with a capacity of up to 100 kW thermal with 4 or 6 pipes. The installation allows for the adjustment of both temperatures and flow rates to the...
Test bench for fv-t collectors
tECHNOLOGICAL OFFER Test bench for FV-T collectors DescriptionCARTIF has a test bench for FV-T photovoltaic thermal hybrid solar panels, that includes the monitoring and regulation systems to be able to test its functioning and obtain test curves from a global...
NATMed project holds its second regular meeting in Sassari, Italy
NATMed has held on 26 and 27 September its second regular meeting at the premises of the University of Sassari (Italy). The aim of this session was to evaluate the profess of the project, in particular the development of the Case Studies and the Nature-based Solutions...
The WalNUT project consortium meets at CARTIF to analyse the status of nutrient recovery
The WalNUT project consortium met on 27 and 28 September at the facilities of CARTIF for its regular M24 meeting. During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to meet in person for the first time to further discuss issues related to nutrient recovery. The aim...
CAPRI project holds final meeting in open webinar to discuss the role of cognition and its implication
CAPRI is holding its final project meeting on 28 September in an online session open to the public. The event will feature a presentation, overview and success stories of the project, to put into context those interested in the proposal, and will share the results and...
DigiBUILD project holds its 5th regular meeting at CARTIF to generate the Data Lake through its pilot buildings
DigiBUILD held its 5th regular meeting on 21 and 22 September at the facilities of the CARTIF technology centre. The aim of this session was to collect the data obtained from the different pilot buildings to jointly generate the Data Lake with which the aim is to...
BUILDSPACE holds its first plenary session at CARTIF to discuss the user interfaces of the project’s tools and platform
On 19 and 20 September, CARTIF hosted the BUILDSPACE project consortium for its first plenary session. The partners, after their launch meeting held last February in Athens, met again at the technology centre's facilities in order to review the status of the...
RURACTIVE encourage a just and sustainable transition of rural areas through intelligent solutions, lead by the community, tailor-made, based on the local and inclusive inside the multi-stakeholder rural innovation ecosystems at 12 pilot areas (Dynamos, Ds).
LIFE NEXUS project holds a workshop in Lithuania about generate mini-hydropower in urban water networks
More than 30 participants met on 12 and 13 September in Kaunas (Lithuania) to discuss mini-hydro generation in the urban water cycle at an international workshop in the framework of LIFE NEXUS project. Representatives of water supply and treatment from Lithuania,...
RURACTIVE Project holds its kick-off meeting in Bologna to promote the just and sustainable transition of rural areas
The RURACTIVE project consortium held its kick-off meeting on 13, 14 and 15 September at the University of Bologna (Italy). These sessions have served as a meeting point for the partners to lay the foundations for the promotion of a just and sustainable transition of...
SMARTeeSTORY will create an integrated intelligent building automation and control system to monitor and optimise the energy performance of historic non-residential buildings, according to an innovative multi-domain approach (integrating the 9 domains proposed by the ISR methodology).